Lesson #01( Tuesday - 12/07/2010 )
INTRODUCTION, 4 Reasons Paul wrote this second letter; 2 Thess. 1:1-3; Consequences of never learning Bible Doctrine; Growth in knowledge causes growth in faith, steadfastness, & love for fellow believers = Eternal Rewards
Lesson #02( Thursday - 12/09/2010 )
1) Meditate on God's Word day & night, 2) Talk about it, 3) Do it = Success & prosperity; Focusing on God & consistent faithfulness to Him & His Word = contentment, confidence, courage, & capacity; Fear is a voracious monster
Lesson #03( Tuesday - 12/14/2010 )
1:5, Be a worthy inheritor, praise & encourage others to endure the race towards reigning, shine bright, rejoice partaking in the darkness of Christ's undeserved suffering, trust & focus on Him with all your mind, persevere, being fashioned for glory
Lesson #04( Thursday - 12/16/2010 )
1:6-8, Keep on enduring & persevering testing by means of God's power & grace provision; Vengeance is the Lord's who is just & will punish those who trouble you; No testing is beyond what you can bear
Lesson #05( Tuesday - 12/21/2010 )
1:6-8, Glory & power belong to the Lord He'll share with us at 2nd Advent when every eye will see Him coming in a blazing fire with all of His angels, O.T. saints & decorated C.A. believers, & unbelievers removed
Lesson #06( Thursday - 12/23/2010 )
1:8, Military open homosexuality defiance towards God; Doctrine of Baptism of Fire at the 2nd Advent, unbelievers judged and removed from the earth as in the days of Noah, details totally different from the Rapture
Lesson #07( Tuesday - 12/28/2010 )
1:8, "Dealing out retribution" to those who obstinately refused to believe in the Son at the Doctrine of Baptism of Fire, 2nd Advent; 4 REAL, Dry Baptisms: (1) Moses (2) Cup or Cross (3) Holy Spirit (4) Fire
Lesson #08( Thursday - 12/30/2010 )
1:8, Doctrine of Baptism of the Holy Spirit Verses; Baptism of Fire illustrations; 3 RITUAL, water Baptisms; Description of Hell: ongoing, eternal agony, separation from Christ, His power, & glory He will share with believers
Lesson #09( Tuesday - 01/04/2011 )
1:9, Verses on how God will vindicate His +R & Justice by inflicting eternal separation & death on stiff-necked unbelievers; Sequence of events of Nations Gathered at Armageddon & 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ
Lesson #10( Thursday - 01/06/2011 )
1:10, Armageddon & 2nd Coming of JC continued; If Satan can obliterate the Jews, he wins the Angelic Conflict; Jesus Christ returns to kill His enemies at Bozrah first, then Kidron Valley; National regeneration of Israel at long last