Lesson #031 (01-09-2003)
Edification Complex; Orientation to Grace, Freedom, Authority; TEMPORAL BLESSINGS God Desires to Give Us!
Lesson #032 (01-14-2003)
PSA. 84, BLESSING BY ASSOCIATION; Happinesses Belong to Those Who Long For Bible Class & Who Trust in The Lord.
Lesson #033 (01-16-2003)
HISTORICAL BLESSING; Mature Believers Stabilize Their Generation; UNDESERVED SUFFERING Accelerates Growth
Lesson #034 (01-21-2003)
Twelve Reasons Why Believers Suffer; We Can Choose Which Kind We'll Undergo; What We Think As We Suffer Matters
Lesson #035 (01-23-2003)
Putting On A New Body; Seven Deaths; Dying Grace Is For Mature Believers Only - Great Contentment, +H, No Fear in Dying
Lesson #036 (01-28-2003)
Dying Grace is For Mature Believers Who Love Christ's Thinking & Appearing, Count All Things Loss, Forget What Lies Behind
Lesson #037 (01-30-2003)
40) Filling of the Holy Spirit - STOP Offending & Stifling the Holy Spirit, Abusing Yourself With Mental Attitude Sins; Receive Holy Spirit's Filling (Pleroo)
Lesson #038 (02-04-2003)
Satanic Mind Control Through Media Agenda; Filling of Holy Spirit is Not Emotion, It is The Most Fundamental Doctrine
Lesson #039 (02-06-2003)
Entertainment Mind Control; Moses' Veiled Face Compared to Church Age Unveiled Soul & Mirroring of Jesus Christ
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