Lesson #21( Sunday - 03/27/2011 )
Review Chapter 3, Crossing raging Jordan waters was a huge miracle; Stone monument erected, rituals & recorded testimonies teach all generations how the Lord is our deliverer
Lesson #22( Sunday - 04/03/2011 )
4:1-19, What did the stone memorials mean? Reminders of deliverences like Red Sea crossing & Passover; Water = retroactive positional death & burial with Christ; Land Monument = current positional resurrection, already seated with Christ
Lesson #23( Sunday - 04/10/2011 )
4:20-24, The Tale of Two Monuments so "the whole world would know" God is the power behind Israel; Believers in Christ united with Him in His death have victory over sin & do not fear death; 10 Points on Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Lesson #24( Sunday - 04/17/2011 )
5:1-19, Israel instructed to take the offensive, to strike with concentrated force to win a victory; 7 Characteristics of Believers Who Have Gone On The Defense; Circumcision a badge of honor; Take the offense = trust in the Lord + learn BD
Lesson #25( Sunday - 05/01/2011 )
The Lord's Supper, much like Israel's Passover observance after crossing the Jordan, showing complete focus & trust in Jesus Christ, the bread of life, provided by God, eaten on a table before the presence of enemies; Supporting verses
Lesson #26( Sunday - 05/08/2011 )
5:14-6:2, Jesus Christ came to Moses to deliver Israel from the fire of bondage, to Joshua to deliver from enemies, to frail mankind to deliver from sin; Nothing can keep Him from delivering us from insurmountable problems if we trust in Him
Lesson #27( Sunday - 05/15/2011 )
6:2-9, Trumpets signal that our redeemer & fighting general has come; The battle is HIS, not ours; He does not slaughter indiscriminately as evil men do; He tests our faith in Him, our obedience, our respect for authority, & our patience
Lesson #28( Sunday - 05/22/2011 )
6:9-25, God's Word has numeric value; 7's Throughout the Bible; If God can deliver Rahab, her family, & Israel, with archeology uncovering ashes, burnt food, & walls felled outward in Jericho's ruins, God can surely deliver us
Lesson #29( Sunday - 05/29/2011 )
7:1, Christ made the greatest sacrifice for the greatest freedom; When there's no human solution, the Biblical solution is to wait & rely on the Lord = confidence, contentment & +H; Human viewpoint & sin leavens the whole lump
Lesson #30( Sunday - 06/05/2011 )
7:2-5, God held the whole nation accountable for one man's sin; Believers are inter-connected, attitudes are contagious; overlooking sin condones it, ignores God, & sets up environment of acceptability & stinking human viewpoint.