Lesson #031 (05-29-2003)
Prejudice & Gossip vs Unconditional Love; JEALOUSY: #1) From Preoccupation With Self & Fear of Loss; #2) From Self-promotion
Lesson #032 (06-03-2003)
Jealousy Definition #3) The Lord's Jealousy; Other Bible Examples; DISRESPECT: Definition; Examples of Showing Disrespect
Lesson #033 (06-05-2003)
Disobedience the Overt Manifestation of Disrespect In the Soul; Examples of Showing Proper Respect; The Book of ESTHER
Lesson #034 (06-10-2003)
Gay Pride; ENVY: Is A Fear; Psa.37:4-5, Love the Lord and Take in His Word; Result: Contentment; Our Way vs His Way
Lesson #035 (06-12-2003)
Combat Envy With Gratitude For What You Have; Leah, Our Illustration; HYPERSENSITIVITY: Takes Self Too Seriously, Slow To Admit Error, Slow To Forgive
Lesson #036 (06-17-2003)
Homosexual Aggression Causes Christians To Retreat; Review Hypersensitivity; Humility Takes Criticism Well; GREED: the Happiness Killer
Lesson #037 (06-19-2003)
Motivations of Greed; Greed Comes From Fear; HYPOCRISY: Definition; Connection to Judging
Lesson #038 (06-24-2003)
Jesus Christ Excoriates Arrogant, Religious Tradition That "Worships In Vain;" Mt.15 & 23 Scribes & Pharisee Catholics
Lesson #039 (06-26-2003)
Scribes & Pharisee Hypocrites, Blind Guides, Fools, White Sepulchres, Snakes, Murderers; Hypocrites of Today
Lesson #040 (07-01-2003)
THOUGHTLESSNESS: Command for Unconditional Love; "Give No Offense;" Good Manners; Laws of Liberty, Expedience, & Love
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