GARY HORTON #1( 01/06/2013 )
Gary's encouragement to us to be great ambassadors for Christ & how we can do that
GARY HORTON #2( 01/08/2013 )
Gary's encouragement to us to be great ambassadors for Christ & how we can do that
GARY HORTON #3( 04/07/2013 )
Gary's encouragement to us to be great ambassadors for Christ & how we can do that
Special, Worship 1( 03/10/2013 )
Uniqueness of Church Age’s Spiritual Worship as compared to the Old Testament’s physical form; We assemble together under the delegated authority of a Pastor-Teacher to study Bible doctrine, concentrate on Jesus Christ in the Lord’s Supper, give, fellowship, encourage, & pray together, & support missionaries
Special, Worship 2( 03/17/2013 )
Uniqueness of Church Age’s Spiritual Worship as compared to the Old Testament’s physical form; We assemble together under the delegated authority of a Pastor-Teacher to study Bible doctrine, concentrate on Jesus Christ in the Lord’s Supper, give, fellowship, encourage, & pray together, & support missionaries
Special, Worship 3( 03/24/2013 )
Uniqueness of Church Age’s Spiritual Worship as compared to the Old Testament’s physical form; We assemble together under the delegated authority of a Pastor-Teacher to study Bible doctrine, concentrate on Jesus Christ in the Lord’s Supper, give, fellowship, encourage, & pray together, & support missionaries
Special, Worship 4( 04/14/2013 )
Review Elements of Worship: planning ahead to assemble, call to worship, rebound, singing, corporate prayer, giving, message, gospel, closing prayer, fellowship, encouraging others
Special, Marriage( 06/09/2013 )
Fornication, shacking up, living in sin, adultery, husbands & wives attacking each other & divorce in US = unhappy, miserable, devastating consequences; Grant your wife honor, love, thoughtfulness; Wives respect, obey husbands
Special, Father's Day( 06/16/2013 )
Today’s men are acting like women; I Cor.16:13-14, Keep on being alert, stand firm in the faith; act like men! Tremendous advice for Husbands & Wives; “Let all you do be done in love!”
Memorial Day Tribute To Veterans
1 Cor.5:9, “Do not associate with immoral people”’; Homosexuality is a “preference”; Take care not to condemn nor condone sinful behavior; Separate! Sins list passages in Bible warn of loss of inheritance, not salvation
Studying “The 7 Keys of History” in Mar-Apr’13 issue “Israel My Glory” by Richard D. Emmons; The Introduction to the New Age of the Gentiles, everything changed, no distinctions; Church Stewardship & the Church’s Future
Christian Service( 06/30/2013 )
Ordination Ceremony
1st, grow spiritually by D4: Daily Diligent Digestion of BD, then never grow weary of doing Divine good in F/HS; Rev.3:14, 20 warns not to be indifferent, complacent, lazy, carnal; Share your sp. wealth of BD with others; “overcome”
America’s problem; 7 Interlocking Cycles of Self-Destruction: Lukewarm, indifferent attitude towards God’s Word & the Laws of Divine Establishment, lack of zeal & passion for BD, exclusion of God, frantic search for happiness, bad friends
Jim Meyers, Missionary to Ukraine( 08/11/2013 )
Crisis in the U.S.: People don’t know God’s Word = great evil, immorality, violence, on verge of economic collapse; Are you a DOER of the Word or a deceived, “feel-good” HEARER? Are you a blessing or a cursing?