COLOSSIANS 41(11/26/2013 )
1:20a, RECONCILIATION to God is by His GRACE through Christ VS Satanic lie that we reconcile ourselves to God through works; All mankind condemned by Adam's Original Sin; Christ provided the remedy & removed the BARRIER
COLOSSIANS 42(12/05/2013 )
1:20b, Book of Life, Lamb's Book of Life, Books of Works in heaven = God's system of checks & balances; No condemnation for those who believe in Christ = chosen according to God's Foreknowledge; Doctrine of Blood of Christ
COLOSSIANS 43(12/12/2013 )
1:20b, Doc. of Blood of Christ continued; What does it depict? It represents Christ's spiritual death for the sins of the whole world to satisfy the Justice of God, that any who simply believe in Him might have eternal life
COLOSSIANS 44(12/17/2013 )
1:20c-21, Through Christ's payment for our sin, He reconciled the whole universe to Himself except rebellious angels & unbelieving man; We were formerly alienated, hostile enemies of God, totally depraved & helpless before we believed
COLOSSIANS 45(12/19/2013 )
1:22a, Review RECONCILIATION; Nothing short of Christ's perfect sacrificial death in His human body on the cross could propitiate/satisfy the Justice of God & set up a relationship of peace not existing before
COLOSSIANS 46(01/02/2014 )
1:22b, Positional VS Experiential; Christ reconciled us, setting up potential for us to grow to spiritual maturity & serve Him, to rank in importance, receive honor & rewards & be presented to God the Father blameless, beyond reproach
COLOSSIANS 47(01/07/2014 )
1:22-23, Our goal is to be above reproach, lights in the world, holding fast the word of life, continuing in the faith firmly established & steadfast
COLOSSIANS 48(01/09/2014 )
1:22-23, Power point study of Timeline showing when all who continue steadfast & clothe themselves in "fine linen", Divine Good "righteous acts", will be presented: 1) to God the Father & 2) to Jesus Christ at the Wedding Supper
COLOSSIANS 49(01/14/2014 )
1:22-23, Executive Orders Statistics; Our job or duty is to persist, persevere, or continue steadfast, learning & applying Bible doctrine & therefore expecting to receive rewards and being presented to our "betrothed", 2 Cor. 11:2-3
COLOSSIANS 50(01/16/2014 )
1:23, What makes believers spiritual losers? What are 2 major pitfalls? What makes believers winners, firmly established, applying Bible doctrine in every thought, decision & action? Experiential +R endures forever