Lesson #81( Tuesday - 08/07/2012 )
How God restored nation Israel, 1948; The Passover illustrates the cross & deliverence; God not willing any should perish; 1 Jn.2:2, Christ died not only for our sins but for sins of the whole world
Lesson #82( Thursday - 08/09/2012 )
Christ died for "all"spiritually dead; Calvinist's 3 major objections against unlimited atonement easily answered; "Limited atonement" never explicitly stated in the Bible, inferred by Calvinists, runs contrary to explicit scripture
Lesson #83( Tuessday - 08/14/2012 )
Jim Showers, Pres. of "Friends of Israel" magazine, wrote on how Israel is the only nation having God's garantee of survival in writing; Reviewing the "T,U, & L" of 5 point Calvinism's "TULIP" tenents
Lesson #84( Thursday - 08/16/2012 )
Good questions for Calvinist's "Limited Atonement" allegations; Calvinism's false teaching called "Irresistable Grace" which says God's sovereignty & power overrules His love & grace
Lesson #85( 08/21/2012 )
Refuting "Irresistable Grace" false teaching with Eph.2:8-9; "THAT" refers to "faith", not to grace or salvation; It's not that the unsaved are unable to come to Christ; they are "UNWILLING" !
Lesson #86( 08/23/2012 )
Verses refuting "Irresistable Grace"; Regeneration = result of faith, never the cause; Faith comes by hearing the gospel, not by being irresistably infused with it; How Calvinists define "Perseverence of the Saints"
Lesson #87( 08/--/2012 )
Notes : GTGR NOTES 81-90
Calvinism's need for assurance of salvation by "Perseverence to the end" VS Biblically correct, salvifically assured believers who persevere in learning & applying Bible doctrine to their lives; GOOD QUESTIONS
Lesson #88( 08/30/2012 )
Confusing & contradictory verses Calvinists interpret as salvific are not salvific at all; Calvinists wont believe that immoral, "falling away" into disrepute, or non-productive "believers" are truly elect
Lesson #89( 09/04/2012 )
Calvinists pull passages out of context, 1 Cor. 15:1-2, Heb.10:2-29, to falsely say people can trust in Christ, be sanctified yet "believe in vain"; What they use to try proove they are truly saved
Lesson #90( 09/06/2012 )
Calvinists teach that the "elect" will turn back if they fall away, but they distort passages like Lk 22:31-33 that are warning "elect" believers not to fall into reversionism to the destruction of their bodies in the Sin Unto Death