Lesson #91( 09/13/2012 )
ALL believers in Christ overcome positionally, but Calvinists distort "he who overcomes"in Rev 3:4-5 to mean all elect when it actually describes a higher overcoming experientially = winner believers who will reign with Christ
Lesson #92( 09/18/2012 )
Calvinism distorts Heb.12:2-3 saying Christ finishes the elect's faith & that salvation is a "process" of endurance in good works; Our salvation is not a process but it happened in a point of time, 1Jn.5:10-13
Lesson #93( 09/20/2012 )
Heb.12:1-3, We are to fix our eyes on Jesus, the Prince Ruler who perfected the body of teaching, "faith", that we believe, Bible doctrine; The saved can deny the "faith" & still be saved, 1Tm.5:8
Lesson #94( 09/25/2012 )
Warning discipline & SUD for the saved who fall away from the faith; Calvinists say the elect will kept on believing, misconstruing the PRESENT ACTIVE PARTICIPLE of "believe"
Lesson #95( 09/27/2012 )
PRESENT ACTIVE PARTICIPLE of "believe" means "the believing ones" & that the offer of salvation thru simple belief keeps on being available to everyone; Only one act of believing gains eternal life
Lesson #96( 10/02/2012 )
Are infants non-elect? Will they go to the Lake of Fire? Only two reasons anyone goes there; Calvinists depend on their perseverance in works & Lordship to prove their salvation; Are they saved?
Lesson #97( 10/18/2012 )
Assurance VS Doubt of salvation; Why Calvinists can never have true assurance because they have no way of knowing they will persevere in the faith to the end of their lives
Lesson #98( 10/18/2012 )
Eternal Security: Believers can "fall away" from faith in the Lord yet not lose their salvation; Calvinists falsely interpret "falling away" as loss of salvation or proof there never was salvation
Lesson #99( 10/25/2012 )
Good questions to ask Calvinists who think assurance of salvation comes from perseverance in works; Sin in their life threatens their confidence; Arminanism compared to Calvinism
Lesson #100( 10/30/2012 )
Witnessing Strategies; We need a game plan to win unbelievers, do more listening, find out what they believe, weaken their position with questions, focus on THE GIFT