Scott DeWeeseAudio Lessons and Notes - Jun/Aug/Sep 2022             Summary

Justification vs Sanctification.

Importance of knowing the difference between justification and sanctification

Watch for red flags that do harm during sanctification process.

Sanctification, the Circles, Edification Complex, 3 types of love

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - Oct/Nov 2022               Summary

Believers learn the Word of God by being filled with the Holy Spirit, not by trying to keep the Mosaic Law.

God's plan for Paul to introduce the Gospel to the Gentiles and the (Hellenistic) Jews.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - December 2022              Summary

Titus was one of Paul's theological students.

He was sent to Corinth to straighten things out.

Titus would not tolerate disruptions in the Corinthian church.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - January 2023               Summary

Scott_DeWeese: Notes-Titus, Lesson 2

Audio: Titus 1:1-4 - January 12, 2023

Due to technical difficulties the first few minutes were not recorded.


God is the source of Absolute Truth - He CANNOT Lie!

Hope = Confidence in God, whose promises are unfailing.

God's grace always precedes peace.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - February 2023               Summary

Titus must search Crete for men with the gift of pastor teacher.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - March 2023               Summary

A Pastor teacher must have impeccable character..

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - April 2023               Summary

It is a pastor's resposibility to LEAD his congregation in TRUTH!

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - May 2023               Summary

Satan & his demons are working overtime to defy the One True God!

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - June 2023               Summary

Pride - Spiritual preparedness recognizes unsound & false doctrines.

Mankind's arrogance (Pride) is one of his biggest downfalls.

Enjoy the details of life with a pure heart!

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - June 2023               Summary

Pride - Spiritual preparedness recognizes unsound & false doctrines.

Mankind's arrogance (Pride) is one of his biggest downfalls.

Enjoy the details of life with a pure heart!

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - August 2023              Summary

Good moral acts will NOT get you to heaven! Ephesians 2:8-9

**Notes for August 15 and 17 have been combined**

Without Bible Doctrine, Satan corrupts the minds of believers. 2 Cor 11:3

Satan's fallen angels are prepared to deceive the weak believer.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - August 2023 -continued         Summary

Responsibilities of the older woman. 1 Timothy 3:11

Further lessons learned from older women.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - October 2023              Summary

Scott_DeWeese: Notes-Titus, Lesson 15

PowerPoint: Slavery

Audio: Titus 2:9 -October 05, 2023


Believers must correctly represent Christ to the unbelieving world.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - November 2023              Summary

God's attributes will not allow Him to be unfair.

All people that reach accountabilbity have the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

God's promise to Believers - The Rapture

God's promise to the Jews - The Second Advent

God's grace is not JUST a 'get out of hell ticket'. (2 Peter 3:18)

The believer's eternal future is secure through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9) but, we are commanded to grow spiritually.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - December 2023              Summary

Man was created to resolve the Angelic Conflict -Luke 15:7.

The Angelic conflict originated before man existed on the earth. This great warfare started when Lucifer, the anointed Cherub, the highest of all angelic creatures, challenged divine authority and revolted against God.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - January 2024              Summary

Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus. Titus 2:13.

We can have hope (confidence) in the upcoming rapture and Jesus will remove us (believers) from the coming judgement on the world.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - February 2024              Summary

Speak, Exhort and Reprove with all authority, which are all commands for Pastor-Teachers. Titus 2:15. As students of bible doctrine, believers should 1. Listen to what is being taught, 2. Stay objective and concentrate, 3. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you.

As Christians, we are to obey our governmental authorities, pay our taxes and be good citizens in a government that is operating under God's authority as ministers of God for good.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - April & May 2024                Summary

God expects believers to use their spiritual gifts to glorify Him.

Are you using your spiritual gifts in fellowship or carnality?

Avoid foolish controversies with other believers and do not argue with unbelievers about salvation. Ask questions to determine beliefs of others.

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - June & July 2024                Summary

What about the Millennium? Will YOU be there?

There is only ONE way to know for certain. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, NOW! Tomorrow may be too late!

Ephesians 2:8-9; Acts 4:12; John 14:6; Titus 3:5

The persuasion of the anti-christ on unbelievers in the Tribulation

Submission or death to Jews who accept Christ as Savior in the Tribulation

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - August 2024                Summary

What about the Millennium? Will YOU be there?

There is only ONE way to know for certain. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, NOW! Tomorrow may be too late!

Ephesians 2:8-9; Acts 4:12; John 14:6; Titus 3:5

The persuasion of the anti-christ on unbelievers in the Tribulation

Submission or death to Jews who accept Christ as Savior in the Tribulation

Scott DeWeese Audio Lessons and Notes - September 2024                Summary

What about the Millenium? Will YOU be there?

Violence will be alleviated.

Isaiah 60:18 - "Violence will not be heard again in your land, Nor devastation or destruction within your borders; But you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise".